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You can rely on LINGUAEMUNDI when you need translation services in a wide array of languages and specialist areas.

Revision of translated texts:

You can depend on us for revisions of translations or texts written in any language.

Official notary documents:

If you require certified translations of personal documents (including notary services), count on us.


If you need interpreters for congresses, seminars, conferences, court trials and business activities, we will provide you with simultaneous, consecutive, and courtroom interpretations.


We can provide “next day delivery” provided that this does not compromise the quality of our work.

In any case, the agreed deadline will always be strictly met.


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Telephone: (+ 351) 254 322 525
(+351) 218 122 786
Fax: (+ 351) 254 322 534
E-mail: office@linguaemundi.pt
skype: linguaemundi.rosa

Postal address:
Av. Dr. Antão de Carvalho, n.º 9
5050-273 Peso da Régua, Portugal

NIF: 503701378

for urgent projects please call
(+351) 932 849 884 (24h/day)

Para projectos urgentes, por favor ligue (+351) 932 849 884 (24h/dia)


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