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Linguaemundi Translation Services

LINGUAEMUNDI has been providing top-quality translation and interpreting services since 1995.

Our extensive experience, our clients, our dedication to improvement, reasonable prices and use of new technologies ensure the trust of our clients and their willingness to hire our services time and again..

Commitment to Quality

LINGUAEMUNDI has developed and implemented a Quality System in accordance with Quality Standards NP EN ISO 9001 and EN 15038.

Our objective is to provide Quality services adapted to the needs of each client at competitive prices and within the agreed time frame. Before you receive our translation, we will make sure that:

- The translation is done by a highly qualified Professional, translating into his/her mother tongue
- The translated text undergoes rigorous revision, representing an added value for the client.
- The deadline for delivery is strictly respected.

Contact Us Now

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Source language: *
Destination language: *

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Telephone: (+ 351) 254 322 525
(+351) 218 122 786
Fax: (+ 351) 254 322 534
E-mail: office@linguaemundi.pt
skype: linguaemundi.rosa

Postal address:
Av. Dr. Antão de Carvalho, n.º 9
5050-273 Peso da Régua, Portugal

NIF: 503701378

for urgent projects please call
(+351) 932 849 884 (24h/day)

Para projectos urgentes, por favor ligue (+351) 932 849 884 (24h/dia)


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